12 July, 2011


Most of the photos from my trip are now here. Feel free to browse. But I'll post a few here just to give a wee flavour...

And to start things off here's the one you've all been waiting for, yes Debs (or should I say sweaty Betty?) with the hair-braid which lasted less than 24 hours because it kept freaking me out in the middle of the night:

Here's Eric & Mary who were my guides on the day of my visit to the Nyamirambo district of Kigali:

Here's the obligatory tourist photo of 'Hotel Rwanda' - Hotel Des Milles Collines:

And this is the guesthouse I stayed in for the four nights I was in Kigali:

This photo of Lake Kivu was taken at Kibuye:

And this is the church at Kibuye which I mentioned here was the site of over 11,000 deaths during the genocide:

Lake Kivu from Kibuye was just gorgeous. I missed the sunset when I was there but I went to Moriah Hills for my evening meal of deep-fried sambazi and chips (wee small lake-fish which you eat whole - super-tasty!) and watched a lightening storm possibly a hundred-odd or more miles away on the other side of the lake light up the sky.

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